Skyrim destroy the companions
Skyrim destroy the companions

In fact yopu wouldnt probably know about the companions having this power if you never ever join them. In vanilla game their numbers are trash and they do not have scripted events were they eat people or threaten npcs in cities which doesnt hold true with the vampire case or the necromancers/conjurers, which tend to group and lurk in abandoned forts and dungeons, claiming part of the no mans land of Skyrim during the war. Regular werewolves, ( some of those pesky hunters in the wilderness) and that weird cult in Solstheim, maybe. I dont think Companions deserve prosecution. They are also an organization with political and military power in Skyrim, probably 1 of the main reasons Whiterun remains neutral in the conflict and why Imperials didnt really garrison the place, as to avoid massive conflict in the city.

skyrim destroy the companions skyrim destroy the companions

The Companions circle ( not even regular members know about the circle having werewolf form) are extremely secretive and do not threaten ordinary folk. Leading to a war to end things between the two factions. Or perhaps to much bad blood between them even if the circle is cured. Perhaps the silverhand would be fanatical, and once a werewolf all ways a werewolf even if cured. I suppose that wouldn't be as interesting as hunting Down the silverhand though. Perhaps, even convince them that there "gift" isn't all that, and that a warrior should be clear headed idk. Then you can make the choice to banish Skor and Aela. Bing bam boom of to slay the old hags, and cure the one's who do wanna be cured. Then you could find out about the reluctance of some of the circle through dialogue.

skyrim destroy the companions skyrim destroy the companions

What I really would've like to see is the option to not become a werewolf, and still join the circle through a rigorous test or something to prove your not gonna just oust them as daedra worshippers. Not to mention most of the circle is reluctant werewolves. The other member's aren't even aware of it as far as I know. Are you talking about destroying all the companions.

Skyrim destroy the companions