New vegas animation mods
New vegas animation mods

new vegas animation mods

  • FCO Fallout Character Overhaul, all versions are known to conflict and break TTW, do not install.
  • Killable Children, or any similar mods Incompatible.
  • Clear Cache Hotkey, it will break your game.
  • Zan Autopurge Crash Protector, it will break your game.
  • Purge Cell Buffers, it will break your game.
  • new vegas animation mods

  • HeroInZero's Weapon Fixes, script and fix conflicts (not necessary).
  • Unofficial Patch Plus, script and fix conflicts (not necessary).
  • Unofficial Patch NVSE, script and fix conflicts (not necessary).
  • new vegas animation mods

  • Weapon Mesh Improvement Mod, fix conflicts, included with TTW and more up to date (not necessary).
  • TTW itself fixes bugs in Fallout 3 and New Vegas as well. TTW comes with YUPTTW which patches almost all bugs and will continue to do so.
  • Yukichigai Unofficial Patch YUP, and other unofficial patch mods.
  • After War Nevada, completely incompatible.
  • FOOK New Vegas, completely incompatible.
  • DUST Survival simulator, completely incompatible.
  • XFO, This mod is ancient and not even compatible with the current version of Vanilla New Vegas.
  • MMUE Mission Mojave Ultimate Edition, Deletes records TTW needs and reuses Fallout 3 records.
  • NVEC New Vegas Enhanced Content, uses many unused records in FNV for it's own stuff, we use the same records because they're FO3 records.
  • Project Nevada, Anything but the core module is incompatible with 3.2+, that means Equipment, Rebalance and Cyberware are not compatible, Rebalance and Cyberware can be patched but Rebalance needs AI changing removed, Equipment can not be patched and is largely redundant with Fallout 3.

  • New vegas animation mods